Purple Wisteria Vine

Botanically known as Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple', this climbing plant is a mesmerizing addition to any garden. Imagine your outdoor space transformed by long, cascading blooms of deep violet, emanating a sweet, inviting fragrance. This variety is particularly celebrated for its vibrant color and lengthy flower clusters, creating an eye-catching display.

The Purple Wisteria Vine is not just a visual treat; it's also a versatile plant that can bring structure and height to your garden. Trained on pergolas, arbors, or fences, it forms stunning floral canopies. This plant is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and a delightful aroma to their outdoor spaces.

Regular price $59.99
Sale price $76.99
22% OFF
Size: 3-4 ft.
Free shipping for orders over $100
Purple Wisteria Vine
Purple Wisteria Vine
Regular price $59.99
Sale price $76.99

Planting and Care Instructions


Location: Choose a sunny area with at least six hours of direct sunlight. Ensure fertile, moist, well-draining soil.

Planting Process: Dig a hole three times as wide as the root ball and just as deep. For multiple vines, maintain 10-15 feet spacing. Plant vertically and backfill carefully.

Support: Initially, staking may be required. Use a sturdy stake and secure the plant with planter's tape.


First Year: Regular watering is crucial for root establishment. Aim for about an inch of water weekly, through rainfall or irrigation.

Subsequent Years: Wisteria is relatively drought-tolerant once established. Water during dry spells.


General: Fertilization is rarely needed. Over-fertilizing can lead to excessive foliage at the expense of blooms.

For Poor Soils: A small amount of low-nitrogen fertilizer (like 5-10-10) can be applied in spring.


Why Prune: Pruning encourages flowering. Wisteria blooms on new wood.

When to Prune: Twice a year – late winter and mid-summer. In winter, trim side shoots to 6 inches, retaining main vines. In summer, control new shoots to maintain shape.

Additional Tips: For untamed plants, prune vigorously. Remove suckers and seed pods as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long until my Purple Wisteria blooms?

Can I grow Purple Wisteria in a container?

Can I plant wisteria near other trees or my house?

What are some popular wisteria varieties besides 'Royal Purple'?

How do I choose the right location for planting wisteria?

Is it necessary to use stakes for young wisteria plants?

What is the ideal watering schedule for wisteria?

Are there any special considerations for pruning wisteria?

Can I use regular garden fertilizer for my wisteria?

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone

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