Colorado Blue Spruce Tree

Welcome to, your one-stop destination for exquisite plant selections! If you're searching for a tree that combines timeless elegance with ease of care, look no further than the Colorado Blue Spruce Tree (Picea pungens glauca). This remarkable evergreen is renowned for its silvery blue-green needles that grace your landscape year-round. Not only does it captivate with its stunning appearance, but it also boasts qualities like deer resistance and drought tolerance. In this listing, we'll delve into the reasons why you should consider adding the Colorado Blue Spruce Tree to your home, along with detailed planting and care instructions, and answers to commonly asked questions about this magnificent tree.

Regular price $97.49
Sale price $125.99
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Size: 1-2 ft.
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Colorado Blue Spruce Tree
Colorado Blue Spruce Tree
Regular price $97.49
Sale price $125.99

Why Choose the Colorado Blue Spruce Tree?

The Colorado Blue Spruce Tree is more than just a beautiful addition to your landscape; it's a statement of elegance and resilience. Here are several compelling reasons why you should consider welcoming this evergreen wonder into your outdoor space:

Mesmerizing Appearance: The Colorado Blue Spruce is aptly named for its striking silvery blue-green needles. Unlike many other evergreen varieties, these needles maintain their captivating color throughout the year, ensuring that your landscape remains visually appealing, even in the depths of winter.

Distinctive Shape: This tree exhibits a pyramidal silhouette that sets it apart from other evergreens. Its columnar shape and stiff, crisp needles give it a neat and tidy appearance, making it a favorite among landscapers and homeowners alike.

Deer Resistant: Tired of deer munching on your precious plants? The Colorado Blue Spruce Tree is deer-resistant, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your landscape won't become a buffet for these critters.

Drought Tolerance: Water conservation is a growing concern for many homeowners. Fortunately, this tree is drought-tolerant, which means it can withstand periods of dryness without compromising its health. It's an excellent choice for regions with sporadic rainfall.

Wind Resilience: The Colorado Blue Spruce boasts a widespread and deep root system, making it exceptionally resilient to strong winds. If you live in an area prone to gusty conditions, this tree is an excellent choice for creating windbreaks and protecting your property.

Longevity: Few trees can rival the longevity of the Colorado Blue Spruce. Some of these trees can thrive for hundreds of years, making them a lasting investment in your landscape.

Wildlife Attraction: Beyond its beauty, this tree also serves as a haven for wildlife. Species like siskins, crossbills, and nuthatches find shelter and food amidst its branches, adding a touch of nature to your surroundings.

Soil Adaptability: Whether your soil is acidic, clayey, or loamy, the Colorado Blue Spruce adapts readily. Its versatility ensures success in a wide range of soil types.

Moderate Growth Rate: With a manageable growth rate of 12 to 24 inches per year, this tree is easy to integrate into your landscape. Its uniform growth and symmetrical branching further enhance its appeal.

Holiday Delight: During the holiday season, this evergreen becomes even more enchanting. Light brown, 3 to 4-inch cones cluster in the upper crown, adding a festive touch to your backyard. It's the perfect backdrop for your holiday decorations and a favorite among those who appreciate natural holiday beauty.

Directions for Planting and Care

Now that you're convinced of the Colorado Blue Spruce Tree's merits, let's explore how to plant and care for this exceptional addition to your landscape.


Sunlight: Choose a location with direct sunlight for your Colorado Blue Spruce. While it thrives in full sun, it can also tolerate partial shade. Ensure the selected area receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day.

Soil Type: This versatile tree can adapt to various soil types, including clay, loam, and sandy soils, as long as the soil is well-drained.

Planting Hole: When planting, dig a hole that is shallower than the root ball but at least twice as wide. This ample space allows the roots to spread and establish themselves.

Spacing: If you're planting multiple Colorado Blue Spruce Trees for privacy fencing or windbreaks, space them at least 10 to 20 feet apart. Adequate spacing ensures proper growth and prevents overcrowding.

Mulching: To enhance moisture retention and suppress weeds, spread 3 to 4 inches of mulch around the base of the Spruce. Mulch also helps regulate soil temperature, providing a conducive environment for root development.


Initial Watering: To encourage proper growth, water your newly-planted Colorado Blue Spruce Trees at least once a week during the first year after planting, especially until the ground freezes in winter. Consistent watering is essential to help the tree establish its root system.

Ongoing Watering: During the warm summer months, you may need to water more frequently to ensure the ground remains adequately moist. To determine when to water, simply feel the soil near the tree, down to a depth of about 1 inch. If it feels dry, it's time to water.


Spring Fertilization: Colorado Blue Spruces do not require frequent fertilization, but an application of 10-10-10 slow-release fertilizer in early spring, before the growing season begins, can provide an extra boost of nutrients. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label for the best results.

By following these planting and care guidelines, you'll ensure that your Colorado Blue Spruce Tree thrives and continues to grace your landscape with its beauty for years to come.

The Colorado Blue Spruce Tree offers a winning combination of beauty, resilience, and ease of care. When you order a Colorado Blue Spruce Tree from, you're not just acquiring a tree; you're investing in the enduring charm and vitality of your landscape. Our commitment to nurturing healthy, robust trees ensures that your Colorado Blue Spruce thrives season after season. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your outdoor space with this exceptional evergreen. Order your Colorado Blue Spruce Tree today and embark on a journey of timeless beauty in your own backyard!

Frequently Asked Questions

How big does a Colorado Blue Spruce get?

Where do Colorado Blue Spruce trees grow best?

Are Colorado Blue Spruces slow-growing trees?

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone
Mature Height
30-60 ft.
Mature Width
10-20 ft.
Full to Partial Sun
Growth Rate

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