Adelaide Dunbar Lilaс

This elegant lilac variety is a horticultural gem that can transform your outdoor space into a fragrant oasis of beauty and serenity. Let's delve deeper into the reasons why Adelaide Dunbar Lilac deserves a special place in your garden:

Fragrant Elegance: The Adelaide Dunbar Lilac stands out for its breathtaking lavender-pink blooms that grace your garden in late spring. These fragrant blossoms not only captivate your senses with their sweet, nostalgic scent but also add an exquisite touch of elegance to your landscape.

Lush Foliage: Beyond its stunning flowers, this lilac variety boasts lush green foliage that serves as a perfect backdrop for the vibrant blooms. The foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season, making it a visually appealing addition to your garden.

Butterfly Haven: If you're a fan of pollinators, Adelaide Dunbar Lilac is a must-have. Butterflies are irresistibly drawn to its nectar-rich flowers, turning your garden into a haven for these delicate winged creatures.

Low Maintenance Beauty: Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting, Adelaide Dunbar Lilac is an excellent choice. It's relatively low maintenance and doesn't require extensive care to flourish, making it an ideal option for both novices and gardening enthusiasts.

Versatile Landscaping: This lilac variety can shine as a standalone ornamental shrub, or you can plant it in a row to create a stunning lilac hedge. It not only adds aesthetic appeal but also offers a touch of privacy to your outdoor space.

Regular price $69.99
Sale price $180.00
61% OFF
Size: 3-4 ft.
Free shipping for orders over $100
Adelaide Dunbar Lilaс
Adelaide Dunbar Lilaс
Regular price $69.99
Sale price $180.00

Directions for Planting and Care


Choose a sunny location in your garden with well-draining soil. Adequate sunlight is essential for the Adelaide Dunbar Lilac to thrive and produce abundant blooms.

When preparing the planting hole, make it approximately twice as wide as the root ball and equally as deep.

Carefully remove the plant from its container and gently tease the roots to loosen them before placing it in the hole.

Fill the hole with soil, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the ground surface.

Water the newly planted lilac thoroughly to help settle the soil around the roots.


Adequate watering is crucial, especially during dry spells. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Water at the base of the plant to prevent wetting the foliage.

Pruning should be done immediately after the spring bloom to shape the plant and encourage new growth. Remove dead or damaged branches as needed throughout the year.

Fertilize your Adelaide Dunbar Lilac in early spring with a balanced fertilizer. This will provide the necessary nutrients for healthy foliage and bountiful blooms.

Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the shrub helps retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed growth. Ensure the mulch doesn't touch the main stem to prevent rot.

The Adelaide Dunbar Lilac, with its enchanting fragrance, stunning blooms, and ease of care, is a top choice for any garden enthusiast. Whether you're looking to add a touch of elegance to your landscape or create a haven for pollinators, this lilac variety won't disappoint. Plant one today, and watch your garden come alive with the beauty and scent of the Adelaide Dunbar Lilac. Visit to order yours and embark on a journey of floral enchantment in your own backyard!

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I expect my Adelaide Dunbar Lilac to bloom?

How tall and wide does Adelaide Dunbar Lilac grow?

Is the fragrance of Adelaide Dunbar Lilac really as captivating as it sounds?

Does Adelaide Dunbar Lilac attract pollinators other than butterflies?

Can I grow Adelaide Dunbar Lilac in a container or pot?

Growing Zone
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