Autumn Embers® Encore Azalea (Rhododendron ®Conleb' )

Step into a world of perpetual vibrancy with the Autumn Embers ® Encore ® Azalea (Rhododendron 'Conleb'), a plant that encapsulates the essence of a fiery sunset. The Autumn Embers ® is more than just an Azalea; it's a three-season spectacle, gracing your garden with its fiery red blooms from spring through fall. Imagine the allure of these rich, scarlet blossoms set against a lush green canvas, transforming your landscape into a living masterpiece. This variety stands out for its resilience and low maintenance, making it a favorite among both budding and experienced gardeners.

The beauty of the Autumn Embers ® Encore ® Azalea lies not just in its stunning appearance but also in its robust nature. Developed with a strong root system, this plant adapts swiftly to various climates and landscapes, promising a garden that thrives year after year. Whether you're looking to create a striking focal point, a vibrant border, or a dynamic container garden, the Autumn Embers ® Encore ® Azalea is a versatile choice that brings your garden vision to life.

  • Pollinator Friendly
  • Reblooming
  • Cold and Heat Tolerant
Regular price $71.99
Sale price $83.99
14% OFF
Size: 3 Gallon Plant
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Autumn Embers® Encore Azalea (Rhododendron ®Conleb' )
Autumn Embers® Encore Azalea (Rhododendron ®Conleb' )
Regular price $71.99
Sale price $83.99

Planting & Care

Selecting the Perfect Spot

The Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea flourishes in locations with full to partial sunlight, requiring at least 4 hours of daily sun exposure to unlock its full blooming potential. While these Azaleas are sun-loving, they appreciate the relief provided by some afternoon shade, especially in regions with intense summer heat.

Soil Preparation

Success starts from the ground up. Begin by preparing the soil, ensuring it is rich in organic matter, acidic, and well-drained. These conditions mirror the Azalea's natural habitat, allowing it to thrive. A well-prepared soil bed not only nurtures the plant's roots but also enhances its ability to absorb nutrients effectively.

Planting Your Azalea

When planting your Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea, dig a hole that comfortably accommodates the plant's root ball. Position your Azalea so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface, ensuring that it's neither too deep nor too shallow. Backfill the hole with soil, gently firming it around the plant to eliminate air pockets, which can hinder root growth.

Watering Wisely

Water is life, and your Azalea's watering needs are simple yet crucial. The key is to maintain moist, well-drained soil, avoiding both over-saturation and dry spells. During drought conditions, your Azalea will appreciate extra attention, ensuring it stays hydrated and healthy. For potted Azaleas not in direct sunlight, a general guideline is to provide 0.8 cups of water every 9 days.

Fertilizing for Flourish

To encourage a spectacle of blooms, fertilize your Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea with an acidic fertilizer after the spring bloom or during summer. This nutritional boost promotes lush, vibrant growth, enriching your garden's aesthetic. Refrain from fertilizing after August to prevent stimulating new growth that might be vulnerable to early frost.

Pruning for Perfection

Pruning is an art, and for the Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea, it's all about maintaining shape and encouraging healthy, new growth. Light pruning after each bloom cycle helps the plant focus its energy on producing stunning blooms. Remember, the best time to shape your Azalea is after the spring bloom.

Mulching Matters

A layer of mulch around your Azalea does wonders. It helps retain soil moisture, keeps the roots cool, and adds an aesthetic touch to your garden bed. Organic mulch gradually breaks down, enriching the soil with nutrients, and maintaining an environment your Azalea loves.

The Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea is more than just a plant; it's a year-round celebration of color and life. Its low maintenance, adaptability, and stunning beauty make it an excellent choice for gardeners of all levels. Whether you're crafting a serene garden retreat or a vibrant landscape display, the Autumn Embers® Encore® Azalea is your ticket to a garden that's alive with color and charm. Embrace this fiery beauty and watch as your garden transforms into a spectacle of nature's finest hues.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the prime time to plant Autumn Embers® Encore® Azaleas?

How much water does my Azalea need?

Is fertilizing my Azalea necessary?

Should I prune my Azalea?

Can I grow Autumn Embers® Encore® Azaleas in containers?

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone
Botanical Name
Autumn Embers® Rhododendron 'Conleb' PP10581
Foliage Color
Flower Color
Orange-Red semi-double 2 1/2" Flower
Flower Fragrance
Fall Color
Mature Height
Mature Width
3-3 ½'
Growth Rate
Sun to part shade
Soil Needs
Well drained not too wet or soggy
Water Needs
Moderate as needed once established
Pruning Needs
As needed in-between flowering. Late pruining will stall fall blooms.

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