Compact Japanese Holly | Ilex crenata Compacta | Quart, 1, & 3 Gallon Plant

SKU: 11441

The exquisite Compact Japanese Holly (Ilex crenata 'Compacta') evergreen shrub boasts a host of attributes that make it a must-have addition to your outdoor space. Let's delve into why the Compact Japanese Holly is a popular choice among garden enthusiasts:

Compact Japanese Holly, scientifically known as Ilex crenata 'Compacta,' is a compact, slow-growing, and dense evergreen shrub that displays an abundance of small, glossy, dark green leaves. Its botanical name encapsulates the uniqueness of this splendid shrub, which offers much more than meets the eye.

  • Pollinator Friendly
  • Deer Resistant
  • Cold and Heat Tolerant
Regular price $42.89
Size: Quart Plant
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Compact Japanese Holly | Ilex crenata Compacta | Quart, 1, & 3 Gallon Plant
Compact Japanese Holly | Ilex crenata Compacta | Quart, 1, & 3 Gallon Plant
Regular price $42.89

Why Choose Compact Japanese Holly?

Year-Round Beauty: One of the standout features of Compact Japanese Holly is its ability to maintain its lush green foliage throughout the year. Even during the coldest winter months, this shrub provides a vibrant and attractive backdrop to your garden or landscape. Its unwavering greenery brings a touch of life to your outdoor space when other plants might be dormant.

Versatility: Versatility is a hallmark of Compact Japanese Holly. Whether you're looking to create a low hedge, add a foundation planting, enhance mixed borders, or even experiment with container gardening, this adaptable shrub can meet your needs. Its compact growth habit and tidy appearance make it an excellent choice for various landscape design applications.

Low Maintenance: Not everyone has a green thumb, but Compact Japanese Holly is incredibly forgiving. It's an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. Once established, it exhibits drought tolerance and is generally resistant to common pests and diseases. This low-maintenance shrub thrives with minimal care, allowing you to enjoy its beauty without constant upkeep.

Wildlife Attraction: Compact Japanese Holly is not just a treat for the eyes; it also attracts wildlife. Birds are particularly drawn to the small, blackish berries that adorn the shrub. By adding this delightful plant to your garden, you'll create an inviting habitat for local bird species, adding another layer of charm to your outdoor oasis.

Directions for Planting/Care

Now that you're eager to introduce Compact Japanese Holly into your garden, here are some essential guidelines to ensure your shrub thrives:


Select the Perfect Location: Choose a well-drained site with partial to full sun exposure. While Compact Japanese Holly can tolerate some shade, it will thrive best in ample sunlight.

Dig the Hole: Prepare a hole that is as deep and wide as the root ball of the shrub. This allows the roots to establish themselves easily in the new location.

Plant Properly: Place the shrub in the hole, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding ground surface. Avoid planting it too deeply, as this can lead to root rot.

Water Thoroughly: After planting, give your Compact Japanese Holly a good soak to settle the soil around the roots. Continue to water regularly during the establishment period.

Mulch for Moisture: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the shrub to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain an even soil temperature.


Watering: Regular and consistent watering is key, especially during dry spells. While Compact Japanese Holly is drought-tolerant once established, it benefits from adequate moisture.

Pruning: Light pruning in early spring helps maintain the shrub's compact shape and encourages new growth. You can also trim as needed throughout the year to control its size or remove any dead or damaged branches.

Fertilization: In the spring, apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Mulch Maintenance: Refresh the mulch layer periodically to keep it at the desired depth and continue benefiting your shrub.

Compact Japanese Holly, with its evergreen beauty, adaptability, low maintenance requirements, and wildlife attraction, is a superb choice for enhancing your garden or landscape. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just beginning your green journey, this charming shrub will undoubtedly bring lasting beauty to your outdoor space. Don't miss the opportunity to add the Compact Japanese Holly to your collection. Order yours today from and enjoy the enduring elegance it brings to your outdoor oasis for many years to come!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I grow Compact Japanese Holly in a container?

How often should I prune my Compact Japanese Holly?

Are there any pests or diseases I should be concerned about?

How long does it take for Compact Japanese Holly to reach its full height and width?

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone
Botanical Name
Ilex crenata "Compacta"
Foliage Color
Dark Green leaves, stems turn from bronze to brown
Flower Color
Tiny white flowers, turning into black berries, showy
Flower Fragrance
Slight Fragrance
Fall Color
Dark glossy green
Holly – Broadleaf evergreen
Mature Height
Mature Width
Growth Rate
Sun, partial shade
Soil Needs
Moist well drained, adaptable
Water Needs
Occasionally, once established.
Pruning Needs
Spring shaping before spring growth begins

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