Concord Grape Vine

SKU: 22544
Make juice, jelly, and jam with grapes from your very own Concord Grape Vine. Nicknamed America's favorite grape, these grapes are the best for snacking!

Concord grapes are easy to grow and require little maintenance. Simply plant them in well-drained soil and give them an ample amount of water. These grapes are more resilient to the cold than other grape varieties.

Plant your Concord Grape Vine in late winter or early spring, which is its dormant season. Once established, this self-fruiting plant will have grapes that are ready for harvest in early fall and will produce fruit each fall for years!

Use stakes to support this vine or let it grow along a trellis or fence. It will definitely need that additional support as the grapes grow and begin to weigh it down!

Order a Concord Grape Vine today and start your own homegrown journey to America's favorite grape!
Regular price $77.99
Size: 1 Gallon
Free shipping for orders over $100
Concord Grape Vine
Concord Grape Vine
Regular price $77.99

Why Choose Concord Grapes:

What sets Concord Grapes apart and makes them an excellent choice for your garden? Let's explore some of the compelling reasons:

  • Sweet and Tangy Flavor: Concord Grapes are renowned for their distinctive sweet and tangy flavor. Each bite bursts with a delightful combination of sweetness and acidity, making them a delightful treat for snacking.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: Beyond their delectable taste, Concord Grapes are a powerhouse of antioxidants. These natural compounds help combat oxidative stress in the body, contributing to overall health and well-being.
  • Versatile Usage: Concord Grapes are incredibly versatile. You can enjoy them fresh, use them to make homemade grape jelly, or press them into refreshing grape juice. They are also a key ingredient in various recipes, from pies to jams and even wine.
  • Hardy Vines for Easy Cultivation: Concord Grapevines are robust and resilient. With the right care, they are relatively easy to cultivate, making them a great choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.
  • Beautiful Garden Addition: Besides their delicious fruit, Concord Grapevines also add aesthetic appeal to your garden. Their lush, green vines and vibrant purple grapes can enhance the overall beauty of your outdoor space.

Directions for Planting and Care:

To cultivate thriving Concord Grapevines and enjoy a bountiful harvest, follow these step-by-step planting and care instructions:

Planting Instructions:

  • Preparation: Ensure the grape vines remain moist until planting to keep them healthy. This step is crucial to their initial growth.
  • Digging Holes: Prepare the planting area by digging holes that are approximately 6 inches wide and 4-6 inches deep. These dimensions provide enough space for the roots to spread.
  • Spacing: If you plan to plant multiple Concord Grapevines, space them 6-8 feet apart. Adequate spacing allows each vine to develop without competing for resources.
  • Soil Considerations: Concord Grapes thrive in well-draining soil. If your soil contains clay or other heavy elements, break up the glazed areas using a shovel to ensure proper drainage. Additionally, aim for a soil pH between 5.0-7.0 for optimal growth.
  • Planting Depth: Stand the grapevine upright in the hole and carefully pack the soil around it. Ensure that the graft union, a raised scar on the vine, is about 6 inches above the soil's surface. This union occurs when the scion and rootstock are united.
  • Initial Watering: After planting, water the vine thoroughly with approximately 3 gallons of water. Adequate moisture at this stage is crucial for the plant's establishment.

Trellis Support:

Concord Grapes are vigorous climbers that require a trellis or support structure. Here's what you need to know about trellis support:

  • A trellis typically consists of intertwined boards or wires that provide sturdy support for the grapevines.
  • Avoid using a single stake (similar to growing tomato plants), as it won't provide adequate support once the vines start growing.


  • In the first year, maintain regular watering, providing approximately 1 inch of water (equivalent to 1 1/2-2 gallons) per week.
  • Directly moisten the roots without spraying or misting the grapevines.
  • As the vines become established, they will require less frequent watering, and the need for mulching will diminish.
  • Be vigilant for signs of overwatering, such as leaf drop.


While Concord Grapes are considered self-fertile, planting them in pairs is a recommended practice. This ensures better pollination and significantly increases your crop yield. Cross-pollination between two vines can lead to healthier and more abundant fruit production.


Proper pruning is essential for maintaining the vine's form, size, vigor, and next season's fruiting wood. Follow these pruning guidelines for success:

  • Prune when the vines are dormant in late winter or early spring, avoiding freezing conditions.
  • Avoid pruning during freezing weather, as the vines can become brittle and easily damaged.
  • Consider removing leaves around the grape clusters to expose the fruit to sunlight in a short growing season.
  • During the first growing season, you may notice multiple shoots growing. Some gardeners trim these back to just one or two shoots, while others prefer to allow them to grow for better selection during the following winter's pruning.

Your goal during the first dormant pruning is to select one or two of the best canes and remove all others. Additionally, remove all lateral canes to achieve a balanced vine with the ideal amount of leaves for proper grape ripening. Too much shade from vigorous leaf growth can lead to fewer grapes and lower grape quality.


Young grapevines typically do not require fertilizer during their first two to three years. If you find it necessary to fertilize, apply a small amount of 10-10-10 fertilizer about two to three weeks after planting, keeping it approximately one foot away from the base of the vine. Only fertilize when vines show signs of needing it, and do so in early spring. Excess nitrogen can promote excessive vegetative growth, delaying flowering and fruiting. It can also potentially cause winter damage and delay the ripening of fruit. Consider conducting periodic soil testing once a year for optimal results.


Concord grapes typically ripen in late September. Determining the right time for harvesting relies heavily on taste, as color and size are not necessarily reliable indicators of ripeness. Here are some essential harvesting tips:

  • Taste a few grapes from different areas to gauge their sweetness. When the grapes are sweet, they are ready for harvesting and consumption.
  • Once harvested, grapes do not continue to ripen, so avoid picking them prematurely.
  • Concord grapes are incredibly versatile and can be used for various purposes, including making wine, baked goods, jams, and, of course, for fresh consumption.

Concord Grapes are a delightful addition to any garden, offering not only scrumptious fruit but also an array of possibilities for culinary creations and beverages. By following our comprehensive planting and care guide, you'll be well on your way to cultivating thriving Concord Grapevines in your own outdoor space.

At, we take pride in offering you healthy Concord Grape plants with complete root structures, ready to thrive in your garden. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, growing Concord Grapes can be a rewarding experience. If you have any questions or require assistance at any stage of your grape-growing journey, our dedicated team is here to help. Order your Concord Grape plants today and embark on a flavorful adventure in your garden.

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone
Mature Height
12 ft.
Mature Width
5-8 ft.
Full Sun
8-10 ft.
Growth Rate
1-2 ft.

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