Little Hottie® Hydrangea (First Editions Hydrangea paniculata 'BAILPANONE' )

The Little Hottie® Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla 'Little Hottie®') has won the hearts of garden enthusiasts and homeowners alike for its exceptional qualities and stunning appearance.

  • Pollinator Friendly
  • Reblooming
  • Cold and Heat Tolerant
Regular price $71.99
Sale price $94.99
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Size: 1 Gallon Plant
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Little Hottie® Hydrangea (First Editions Hydrangea paniculata 'BAILPANONE' )
Little Hottie® Hydrangea (First Editions Hydrangea paniculata 'BAILPANONE' )
Regular price $71.99
Sale price $94.99

Why Choose Little Hottie® Hydrangea

Vibrant Blooms: The Little Hottie® Hydrangea is renowned for its breathtaking, eye-catching flowers that transition from deep pink to fiery red as they mature. It serves as the perfect addition to your landscape, infusing it with bursts of vibrant color and charm.

Compact Size: With its compact and manageable size, this hydrangea is a versatile choice for a variety of garden settings. Whether you have a small garden, patio, or wish to adorn your porch, the Little Hottie® Hydrangea fits seamlessly into any space.

Low Maintenance: Even if you are new to gardening, fear not! The Little Hottie® Hydrangea is incredibly low-maintenance and adaptable, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Its hardiness and easy care requirements ensure that you can enjoy its beauty with minimal effort.

Long-lasting Beauty: The charm of the Little Hottie® Hydrangea is not short-lived. Its stunning blooms persist throughout the summer months, and as autumn approaches, they gracefully transform into an exquisite blend of green and burgundy, ensuring your garden remains captivating all year round.

Pollinator Magnet: In addition to captivating humans with its beauty, the Little Hottie® Hydrangea is a magnet for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. By welcoming these essential creatures into your garden, you are contributing to the ecosystem's health and vitality.

Directions for Planting/Care

Planting and caring for your Little Hottie® Hydrangea is a straightforward and rewarding process. Follow these simple steps to ensure your plant thrives and graces your garden with its brilliance:


Select a suitable location with well-draining soil that receives partial to full sunlight. This hydrangea thrives in locations with morning sun and afternoon shade.

Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and at the same depth. Make sure to space multiple Little Hottie® Hydrangeas at least 3-4 feet apart.

Gently remove the plant from its container, loosen the roots if they are compacted, and place it in the prepared hole.

Backfill the hole with soil, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface.

Water your newly planted hydrangea thoroughly to settle the soil and reduce any air pockets.


Water your Little Hottie® Hydrangea consistently to maintain evenly moist soil. However, avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring when new growth emerges. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package.

Pruning is generally not required for the Little Hottie® Hydrangea. However, you can trim dead or damaged branches in late winter or early spring to encourage new growth.

To help retain moisture and control weeds, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant. Be sure to leave a gap between the mulch and the stem to prevent rot.

The Little Hottie® Hydrangea is a true gem in the world of garden shrubs. Its captivating beauty, ease of care, and versatility make it a valuable addition to any landscape. By choosing the Little Hottie® Hydrangea, you're not just enhancing the aesthetics of your garden; you're also contributing to the well-being of pollinators and fostering a vibrant ecosystem. So, seize the opportunity to bring this enchanting hydrangea into your outdoor haven and enjoy a year-round spectacle of color and charm. Order yours today from and embark on a journey of garden transformation and natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions

How tall and wide does the Little Hottie® Hydrangea typically grow?

When can I expect the flowers to bloom?

Can I grow this hydrangea in a container or pot?

Can I change the color of the blooms?

How often should I fertilize my Little Hottie® Hydrangea?

Is this hydrangea deer-resistant?

Growing Zone
Set Your Growing Zone
Botanical Name
Hydrangea paniculata 'BAILPANONE' PP# 32,549
Foliage Color
Flower Color
White to Pink
Flower Fragrance
Fall Color
Mature Height
Mature Width
Growth Rate
Sun, Partial shade
Soil Needs
Moist well drained, needs moisture during winter
Water Needs
Occasionally, like moisture
Pruning Needs
After Blooming in the spring/summer

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